Treasures, pleasures & paperie for Studio Sale ’23

Dear Everyone ~

Our fourth annual virtual Studio Sale is henceforth virtually upon us. The Studio Sale page will go live on Friday evening, November 17, at 8pm Chicago Shopping Time (CST). A fresh preview page is already available for oohing & eyeing, but not for shopping. Herewith a peek at some specific offerings. And, as our tour de fourth, we’re announcing a gift with purchase.

If you’re feeling bookish, lookish here! An abundance of books made by me are on offer—all created before a live studio audience during Zoom workshops. Bindings include Boxful of Summer, Collector’s Album and Triptych of Coptic-stitch Books.

BZS Beribbonments Beaucoup: Our bountiful bags of beauteous ribbons and our dreamy seam-binding suites are bowing to be of service. As always, ribbon bags are madly assorted; as seasonally, seam-binding suites have been palette-ized by Ruby. We’ve named her assortments: L’Orangerie, Bois de Joie and Toujours Paris! “Put a bow on it” indeed.

 Writing Xoxcessories include an amplitude of pencils wrapped in Cambridge Imprint patterns, beribboned as a Jotter’s Dozen and also available singly in the studio shop. Also several bottles of fountain pen ink and a few pouches o’ pencils.

Gift with purchase: A glassine bag of 30-ish Cambridge Imprint scraps, strips & snips (up to 5 x 7) will be included gratis with every order of $88. or greater (excluding shipping, natch) placed from 8pm Friday November 17, until Sunday, December 3. 

The Studio Sale will continue through Sunday, December 3. Orders will ship promptly, and in-shop pick-up will be available Tuesday–Saturday afternoon (except for Thanksgiving).

BZS Studio Sale 2023
In anticipation, Bari